A plant-based diet in professional sports? - It is not impossible

2024. máj. 11.

A plant-based diet in professional sports? - It is not impossible
A plant-based diet in professional sports? - It is not impossible
A plant-based diet in professional sports? - It is not impossible
A plant-based diet in professional sports? - It is not impossible


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How can we build muscle without consuming meat? Does our body get enough energy if we eat only plant-based foods? Among other things, these questions arise in connection with the vegan diet. The answers and opinions are divided. Some people are skeptical about the increasingly popular plant-based diet, while others have tried it - including famous athletes - and reported that vegan nutrition was positive for their bodies.

The Game Changers - the movie that started it all

The American documentary The Game Changers was released in 2018 and exploded into the public consciousness. It presents elite athletes (such as Nate Diaz, Derrick Morgan, Lewis Hamilton, Morgan Mitchell, Bryant Jannings, Dotsie Bausch) who, according to their statements, improved their performance in sports, reduced inflammation in their bodies, and speeded up their regeneration between trainings after following a vegan diet. Seeing these results, many people followed the example of famous athletes and started eating plant-based.

What does a plant-based diet affects?

In the documentary several doctor and researchers spoke. According to sports physician Dr. James Loomis, the energy our body needs isn’t provided by protein, but by carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles. He believes that due to excessive protein intake, a chronic glycogen deficiency develops, which can be the cause of chronic fatigue and poor stamina. Dr. Scott Stoll, a former Olympian and the physician of the USA Olympic team, emphasized that, in contrast to vegetable products, animal products contain inflammatory molecules that reduce blood flow in the arteries, thereby increasing muscle and joint pain and slowing down regeneration, which is extremely important for athletes. In fact, it has also been said that compounds that cause inflammation contribute to the development of heart diseases. Dr. Mark Thomas, a geneticist said that meat is not a suitable source of glucose. In his opinion, glucose, which is essential for the brain, can only be taken into the body with carbohydrates.

The effects of food on the performance of athletes

Plant based diets are not so new. The film revealed that this nutritional trend was known by athletes in the 20th century. Among others, Emil Voigt, Murray Rose and Edwin Moses won Olympic gold medals as vegans. Carl Lewis, Olympic and World Championship medalist athlete said in the film that he achieved his bests results in his 30s, when he was already eating according to a vegan diet. The parallel between diet and performance was illustrated by Dr. Robert Vogel, co-chairman of the NFL's Cardiovascular Subcommittee. He involved three players from the Miami Dolphins in his experiment. Two athletes had breakfast of animal origin and the third American football player had a plant-based breakfast. After the meal, their blood sample showed a big difference: while fat was observed circulating in the blood of the athletes who ate meat, the blood sample of the vegan player remained clean. According to Dr. Vogel, this should be highlighted because protein and fat of animal origin affect endothelial function: in opposition to plant-based proteins, they slow down blood flow, which results in poorer performance.

An elite Hungarian athlete also became a vegan as a result of the film

After several unsuccessful surgeries and rehabilitation, Hungarian national handball player Szimonetta Planéta decided to switch to a plant-based diet as a result of The Game Changers. In an interview with Telex last year, the DVSC right-hander revealed that she was unable to play for two and a half years due to injuries, and felt that her career was over. However, the story of the elite athletes in the film gave her hope. She thought a plant-based diet was worth a try for her career, which she has been following ever since. In the interview, she said that after switching to a plant-based diet, her rehabilitation went well and she was able to play in the matches. She added that she is not saying that she can run better or that she has become faster, but that her running and fitness tests have shown improvement.

Plant-based diet or eating meat?

It is currently difficult to give a clear answer to this question. Doctors, researchers and consumers can list pro and con arguments for both dietary trends. However, one thing is certain: proper nutrition is one of the main pillars of a healthy lifestyle, and one of the defining elements of athletes' performance. Proper nutrition consists of several points that everyone should follow for their health. How and which diet to follow, everyone can decide for themselves based on which eating trend is the most ideal for their body.

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  • Rodi Sports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • MBH Bank, a BiztoSport partnere
  • BeStrong, a BiztoSport partnere
  • 11teamsports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • PlayersLife, a BiztoSport partnere
  • Yunik Management, a BiztoSport partnere
  • Rodi Sports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • MBH Bank, a BiztoSport partnere
  • BeStrong, a BiztoSport partnere
  • 11teamsports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • PlayersLife, a BiztoSport partnere
  • Yunik Management, a BiztoSport partnere
  • Rodi Sports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • MBH Bank, a BiztoSport partnere
  • BeStrong, a BiztoSport partnere
  • 11teamsports, a BiztoSport partnere
  • PlayersLife, a BiztoSport partnere
  • Yunik Management, a BiztoSport partnere

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